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BasiliskII -
68k Macintosh emulator
Nestopia -
A portable open source NES/Famicom emulator
SheepShaver -
Power Macintosh emulator
akmods -
Automatic kmods build and install tool
aqualung -
Music Player for GNU/Linux
arcem -
Highly portable Acorn Archimedes emulator
avidemux -
Graphical video editing and transcoding tool
cAudio-freeworld -
MP3 support for cAudio
cairo-dock-freeworld -
Light eye-candy fully themable animated dock
desmume -
A Nintendo DS emulator
devedeng -
A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
dhewm3 -
Dhewm's Doom 3 engine
dolphin-emu -
GameCube / Wii / Triforce Emulator
ffmpeg -
Digital VCR and streaming server
ffmpegthumbs -
KDE ffmpegthumbnailer service
ffmulticonverter -
GUI File Format Converter
flowblade -
Multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux
freetype-freeworld -
A free and portable font rendering engine
gambatte -
An accuracy-focused Game Boy / Game Boy Color emulator
game-data-packager -
Installer for game data files
gcube -
Nintendo Gamecube emulator
gxine -
GTK frontend for the xine multimedia library
k3b-extras-freeworld -
Additional codec plugins for the k3b CD/DVD burning application
kdenlive -
Non-linear video editor
kplayer -
A media player based on MPlayer
kwave -
Sound Editor for KDE
libbdplus -
Open implementation of BD+ protocol
libopenshot -
Library for creating and editing videos
libopenshot-audio -
Audio library used by OpenShot
libtxc_dxtn -
Free implementation of the s3tc texture compression algorithm
libvdpau-va-gl -
VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-end
lives -
Video editor and VJ tool
lxdream -
Sega Dreamcast emulator
m2vmp2cut -
MPEG2 frame accurate cutter
mamory -
ROM management API and commandline ROM manager for MAME
miam-player -
A nice music player
mingw-libmad -
MPEG audio decoder library
moc -
Music on Console - Console audio player for Linux/UNIX
mp3diags -
Find and fix Problems in MP3 Files
mplayer -
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
mpv -
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
mythtv -
A digital video recorder (DVR) application
mythtv-status -
Get the current status of your MythTV system at the command line
mythweb -
The web interface to MythTV
nvidia-video-codec-sdk -
Hardware accelerated video encode and decode
obs-studio -
Open Broadcaster Software Studio
openmw -
Unofficial open source engine re-implementation of the game Morrowind
pcsxr -
A plugin based PlayStation (PSX) emulator with high compatibility
phonon-backend-vlc -
VLC phonon backend
pxsup2dast -
Project X to dvdauthor subtitle converter
qmplay2 -
A Qt based media player, streamer and downloader
rfpkg-minimal -
Fork of fedpkg-minimal for RPM Fusion
rpmfusion-free-appstream-data -
Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion free repository
simplescreenrecorder -
Simple Screen Recorder is a screen recorder for Linux
sox-plugins-freeworld -
A general purpose sound file conversion tool
vbam -
High compatibility Gameboy Advance Emulator combining VBA developments
vdr-burn -
DVD writing plugin for VDR
vdr-markad -
Advanced commercial detection for VDR
vdr-softhddevice -
A software and GPU emulated HD output device plugin for VDR
x264 -
H264/AVC video streams encoder
x265 -
H.265/HEVC encoder
xine-lib -
A multimedia engine
xpra-codecs-freeworld -
Additional codecs for xpra using x264 and ffmpeg
xroar -
A Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo emulator
xvst -
Downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of websites
yabause -
A Sega Saturn emulator
zboy -
A GameBoy emulator