- ProjectX - DVB video editing and demultiplexing tool
- aqualung - Music Player for GNU/Linux
- audacity-freeworld - Multitrack audio editor
- chromaprint-tools - Chromaprint audio fingerprinting tools
- dvd-slideshow - Command line programs for creating slideshow style DVDs
- dvdstyler - Cross-platform DVD authoring application
- ffmpegthumbnailer - Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
- gstreamer-ffmpeg - GStreamer FFmpeg-based plug-ins
- gstreamer-plugins-bad - GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plug-ins
- gstreamer1-libav - GStreamer 1.0 libav-based plug-ins
- gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld - GStreamer 1.0 streaming media framework "bad" plug-ins
- gstreamer1-plugins-ugly - GStreamer 1.0 streaming media framework "ugly" plug-ins
- k9copy - Video DVD backup and creation program
- kodi - Media center
- kodi-eventclients - Media center event client remotes
- kodi-eventclients-devel - Media center event client remotes development files
- kodi-pvr-addons-common - Files common to Kodi PVR addons
- kodi-pvr-argustv - Kodi frontend for the ARGUS TV PVR
- kodi-pvr-demo - Demo PVR Client for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-dvblink - Kodi PVR Plugin for DVBLink
- kodi-pvr-dvbviewer - Kodi's frontend for DVBViewer
- kodi-pvr-filmon - Filmon PVR client for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-hts - Kodi's frontend for Tvheadend
- kodi-pvr-iptvsimple - Kodi PVR addon for IPTV support
- kodi-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver - Kodi frontend for the MediaPortal TV Server (ffmpeg + tsreader version)
- kodi-pvr-mythtv - Kodi frontend for MythTV
- kodi-pvr-nextpvr - Kodi frontend for the NextPVR
- kodi-pvr-njoy - Njoy N7 PVR Client for Kodi
- kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi - PVR client to connect VDR to Kodi over the VNSI interface
- kodi-pvr-vuplus - Kodi's frontend for VU+/Enigma2 based settop boxes
- kodi-pvr-wmc - Windows Media Center client for Kodi
- libskindesignerapi - Library files for vdr-skindesigner
- libskindesignerapi-devel - Development files for libskindesignerapi
- lightspark - An alternative Flash Player implementation
- lightspark-mozilla-plugin - Mozilla compatible plugin for lightspark
- minitube - A YouTube desktop client
- mixxx - Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing
- motion - A motion detection system
- mpd - The Music Player Daemon
- mpg123 - MPEG audio player
- mpg123-plugins-extras - Extra output plugins for mpg123
- mpg123-plugins-jack - JACK output plug-in for mpg123
- mpg123-plugins-pulseaudio - Pulseaudio output plug-in for mpg123
- ogmrip - DVD ripping and encoding graphical user interface
- openshot - A GTK based non-linear video editor
- oxine - Lightweight, purely OSD based xine frontend
- qarte - A browser for web site
- smplayer - A graphical frontend for mplayer
- vdr-mp3 - Sound playback plugin for VDR
- vdr-mplayer - MPlayer plugin for VDR
- vdr-skindesigner - A VDR skinning engine that displays XML based Skins
- vdr-skindesigner-data - Icons xml files for vdr-skindesigner
- vdr-xineliboutput - Plugins for watching VDR over Xine
- vdr-xineliboutput-plugin - Plugins for watching VDR over Xine
- vlc - The cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server
- vlc-core - VLC media player core
- vlc-extras - VLC media player with extras modules
- vlc-plugin-jack - JACK audio plugin for VLC
- vokoscreen - Screencast creator
- xmltv-grabbers - Backends for xmltv
- xmltv-gui - Graphical frontends to xmltv
- yle-dl - Command-line tool to download videos from Finnish broadcasting company