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libde265-examples - Open H.265 video codec implementation - examples

Website: http://www.libde265.org/
License: GPLv3+ and BSD
Vendor: RPM Fusion
libde265 is an open source implementation of the H.265 video codec.
It is written from scratch for simplicity and efficiency. Its simple
API makes it easy to integrate it into other software.

Sample applications using libde265 are provided by this package.


libde265-examples-1.0.2-2.fc23.x86_64 [32 KiB] Changelog by Joachim Bauch (2016-07-19):
- Fixed compatibility when compiling against FFmpeg 2.9 and newer.
libde265-examples-1.0.2-2.fc23.i686 [33 KiB] Changelog by Joachim Bauch (2016-07-19):
- Fixed compatibility when compiling against FFmpeg 2.9 and newer.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24