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Nestopia -
A portable open source NES/Famicom emulator
acoustid-fingerprinter -
Music AcoustID fingerprinting application
aegisub -
Tool for creating and modifying subtitles
akmods -
Automatic kmods build and install tool
aqualung -
Music Player for GNU/Linux
arcem -
Highly portable Acorn Archimedes emulator
avidemux -
Graphical video editing and transcoding tool
bcg729 -
Opensource implementation of the G.729 codec
chromium-freeworld -
A WebKit (Blink) powered web browser
desmume -
A Nintendo DS emulator
devedeng -
A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
dhewm3 -
Dhewm's Doom 3 engine
fceux -
A cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator
ffmpeg -
Digital VCR and streaming server
ffmpegthumbs -
KDE ffmpegthumbnailer service
ffms2 -
Wrapper library around libffmpeg
flowblade -
Multitrack non-linear video editor for Linux
freetype-freeworld -
A free and portable font rendering engine
fs-uae -
Amiga emulator with on-screen GUI and online play support
fs-uae-launcher -
Graphical configuration frontend and launcher for FS-UAE
gnome-mpv -
A simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
kaffeine -
KDE media player
kdenlive -
Non-linear video editor
kplayer -
A media player based on MPlayer
kwave -
Sound Editor for KDE
libopenshot -
Library for creating and editing videos
libopenshot-audio -
Audio library used by OpenShot
libtgvoip -
VoIP library for Telegram clients
libvlcpp -
C++ bindings for libvlc
lightspark -
An alternative Flash Player implementation
lives -
Video editor and VJ tool
miam-player -
A nice music player
minidlna -
Lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems
mp4tools -
A free cross-platform tool to manipulate MP4 files
mplayer -
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
mpv -
Movie player playing most video formats and DVDs
mythtv -
A digital video recorder (DVR) application
mythweb -
The web interface to MythTV
npapi-vlc -
NPAPI plugin for libvlc
nvidia-video-codec-sdk -
Hardware accelerated video encode and decode
obs-studio -
Open Broadcaster Software Studio
openmw -
Unofficial open source engine re-implementation of the game Morrowind
phonon-backend-vlc -
VLC phonon backend
pianobar -
Console-based client for Pandora
qmplay2 -
A Qt based media player, streamer and downloader
qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld -
Qt5 - QtWebEngine components (freeworld version)
rpmfusion-packager -
Tools for setting up a rpmfusion maintainer environment
scottfree -
Interpreter for Scott Adams format text adventure games
tilem -
Emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments Z80-based graphing calculators
vdr-softhddevice-openglosd -
A software and GPU emulated HD output device plugin for VDR
vidcutter -
The simplest + fastest video cutter & joiner
x265 -
H.265/HEVC encoder
xine-lib -
A multimedia engine
xpra-codecs-freeworld -
Additional codecs for xpra using x264 and ffmpeg
xroar -
A Dragon 32, Dragon 64 and Tandy CoCo emulator
xt7-player-mpv -
Qt/Gambas gui to mpv media player
xvst -
Downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of websites