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EmptyEpsilon -
Spaceship bridge simulator game
cannonball -
An Enhanced OutRun Engine
dgen-sdl -
A Sega Genesis (MegaDrive outside the US) emulator
dwarffortress -
A single-player procedurally generated fantasy game
e-uae -
A powerful Amiga Emulator, based on UAE
fdk-aac -
Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
fdkaac -
Command line frontend for libfdk-aac encoder
frobtads -
Text interpreter for Tads games
frogatto -
An old-school 2D platform game
gens-gs -
Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Sega 32X emulator
kisslicer -
Keep It Simple Slicer
mari0 -
A recreation of the original Super Mario Bros with a portal gun
mednafen -
A multi-system emulator utilizing OpenGL and SDL
meka -
Sega 8-bit emulator with debugging/hacking tools
nautilus-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for Nautilus
nemo-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for nemo
netfabb-basic -
Freeware suite for STL editing
nvidia-modprobe -
Load the NVIDIA kernel module and create NVIDIA character device files
nvidia-persistenced -
Daemon for maintaining persistent driver state
pcsx2 -
A Sony Playstation2 emulator
perl-PGPLOT -
Perl extension for using the pgplot library
pipelight -
NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers
plus4emu -
Portable emulator of the Commodore 264 family of computers
pushover -
Fun puzzle game with dominos
pyskool -
Remakes of Skool Daze and Back to Skool
roadfighter -
Konami's Road Fighter remake
rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data -
Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion nonfree repository
snes9x -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
sox-plugins-nonfree -
A general purpose sound file conversion tool
spectrum-roms -
A collection of Spectrum ROM images
steam -
Installer for the Steam software distribution service
xcpc -
A portable Amstrad CPC464/CPC664/CPC6128 Emulator written in C
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia -
NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
yapeSDL -
A Commodore 264 family (C16, plus/4 etc.) emulator