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EmptyEpsilon -
Spaceship bridge simulator game
abuse -
The classic Crack-Dot-Com game
clipgrab -
A free video downloader and converter
dfhack -
Memory hacking library for Dwarf Fortress and a set of tools that use it
discord -
All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers
dwarffortress -
A single-player procedurally generated fantasy game
dwarftherapist -
Management tool designed to run side-by-side with Dwarf Fortress
dynamips -
Cisco Router Emulator
mari0 -
A recreation of the original Super Mario Bros with a portal gun
mednafen -
A multi-system emulator utilizing OpenGL and SDL
nautilus-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for Nautilus
nemo-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for nemo
nrdp -
Nagios Remote Data Processor
nvidia-kmod -
NVIDIA display driver kernel module
nvidia-modprobe -
Load the NVIDIA kernel module and create NVIDIA character device files
nvidia-persistenced -
Daemon for maintaining persistent driver state
nvidia-settings -
Configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-settings-390xx -
Configure the NVIDIA 390xx series graphics driver
nvidia-xconfig -
NVIDIA X configuration file editor
openhantek -
Hantek and compatible USB digital signal oscilloscope
pcsx2 -
A Sony Playstation2 emulator
pushover -
Fun puzzle game with dominos
rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data -
Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion nonfree repository
snes9x -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
steam -
Installer for the Steam software distribution service
unifi -
Ubiquiti UniFi controller
unrar -
Utility for extracting, testing and viewing RAR archives
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia -
NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx -
NVIDIA's 390xx series proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
yapeSDL -
A Commodore 264 family (C16, plus/4 etc.) emulator