Packages not in Groups

mlt - Toolkit for broadcasters, video editors, media players, transcoders

MLT is an open source multimedia framework, designed and developed for
television broadcasting.

It provides a toolkit for broadcasters, video editors,media players,
transcoders, web streamers and many more types of applications. The
functionality of the system is provided via an assortment of ready to use
tools, xml authoring components, and an extendible plug-in based API.
License:GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: mlt


Name Version Release Type Size Built
mlt 0.4.6 2.fc12 ppc64 33.83 MiB Wed Oct 21 17:15:24 2009


* Wed May 13 14:00:00 2009 Zarko Pintar <zarko{*}pintar{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.3.9-2
- spec cleaning
* Mon May 18 14:00:00 2009 Zarko Pintar <zarko{*}pintar{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.4.0-1
- update to 0.4.0
* Wed May 20 14:00:00 2009 Zarko Pintar <zarko{*}pintar{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.4.0-2
- some PPC clearing

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