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Packages not in Groups
BasiliskII -
68k Macintosh emulator
DVDAuthorWizard -
Create a video DVD from MPEG-2 files
DVDRipOMatic -
Simple DVD to XviD ripping application
SheepShaver -
Power Macintosh emulator
a52dec-devel -
Development files needed for a52dec
autopano-sift-C -
SIFT feature detection
avidemux-cli -
CLI for avidemux
avidemux-gtk -
GTK GUI for avidemux
avidemux-qt -
QT GUI for avidemux
bubbros -
Bub and Brothers game inspired by the classic Bubble and Bobble
buildsys-build-rpmfusion -
Tools and files used by the rpmfusion buildsys
buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-current -
Meta-package to get all current kernel-devel packages into the buildroot
buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-newest -
Meta-package to get newly released kernel-devel packages into the buildroot
compat-plone -
User friendly and powerful open source Content Management System
compat-python24 -
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
compat-python24-devel -
The libraries and header files needed for Python development
compat-python24-elementtree -
Fast XML parser and writer
compat-python24-feedparser -
Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
compat-python24-imaging -
Python's own image processing library
compat-python24-imaging-devel -
Development files for python-imaging
compat-python24-imaging-sane -
Python Module for using scanners
compat-python24-imaging-tk -
Tk interface for python-imaging
compat-python24-libxml2 -
Python2.4 bindings for the libxml2 library
compat-python24-lxml -
ElementTree-like Python bindings for libxml2 and libxslt
compat-python24-setuptools -
Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
compat-python24-setuptools-devel -
Download, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
compat-python24-tools -
A collection of development tools included with Python
compat-tkinter24 -
A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language
compat-zope -
Web application server for flexible content management applications
dvd-slideshow -
Command line programs for creating slideshow style DVDs
dvd95 -
Graphical dvd9 to dvd5 converter
faac-devel -
Development libraries of the FAAC AAC encoder
faad2-devel -
Development libraries of the FAAD 2 AAC decoder
faad2-libs -
Shared libraries of the FAAD 2 AAC decoder
fakenes -
Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
ffmpeg-compat -
Libraries for ffmpeg-compat
ffmpeg-compat-devel -
Development package for ffmpeg-compat
ffmpeg-devel -
Development package for ffmpeg
ffmpeg-libs -
Libraries for ffmpeg
flvtool2 -
Manipulation tool for Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) files
gcube -
Nintendo Gamecube emulator
gltron -
A 3D game inspired by the movie TRON
gnome-mplayer-common -
An MPlayer GUI, common files
gnome-mplayer-minimal -
An MPlayer GUI, a minimal version
gpac -
MPEG-4 multimedia framework
gpac-devel -
Development libraries and files for gpac
gpac-devel-static -
Development libraries and files for gpac
gpac-libs -
Library for gpac
gspca -
Common parts belonging to the gspca Webcam Kernel Module
gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel -
Development files for the GStreamer streaming media framework "bad" plug-ins
gsview -
PostScript and PDF previewer
gtetrinet -
GNOME version of a tetris game playable on the net
iscsitarget -
Utilities for iSCSI Enterprise Target
jbigkit-devel -
JBIG1 lossless image compression library -- development files
jbigkit-libs -
JBIG1 lossless image compression library
kdemultimedia-extras-freeworld -
Freeworld extras for KDE multimedia applications
kino-devel -
Files needed to build kino plugins
kmediafactory-devel -
Development files for kmediafactory
kmediafactory-libs -
Runtime libraries for kmediafactory
kmod-gspca -
Metapackage which tracks in gspca kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-gspca- -
gspca kernel module(s) for
kmod-gspca- -
gspca kernel module(s) for
kmod-gspca- -
gspca kernel module(s) for
kmod-gspca-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in gspca kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-gspca-xen -
Metapackage which tracks in gspca kernel module for newest kernel-xen
kmod-iscsitarget -
Metapackage which tracks in iscsitarget kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-iscsitarget- -
iscsitarget kernel module(s) for
kmod-iscsitarget- -
iscsitarget kernel module(s) for
kmod-iscsitarget-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in iscsitarget kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-kqemu -
Metapackage which tracks in kqemu kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-kqemu- -
kqemu kernel module(s) for
kmod-kqemu- -
kqemu kernel module(s) for
kmod-kqemu-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in kqemu kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-ndiswrapper -
Metapackage which tracks in ndiswrapper kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-ndiswrapper- -
ndiswrapper kernel module(s) for
kmod-ndiswrapper- -
ndiswrapper kernel module(s) for
kmod-ndiswrapper-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in ndiswrapper kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-open-vm-tools -
Metapackage which tracks in open-vm-tools kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-open-vm-tools- -
open-vm-tools kernel module(s) for
kmod-open-vm-tools- -
open-vm-tools kernel module(s) for
kmod-open-vm-tools-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in open-vm-tools kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-qc-usb -
Metapackage which tracks in qc-usb kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-qc-usb- -
qc-usb kernel module(s) for
kmod-qc-usb- -
qc-usb kernel module(s) for
kmod-qc-usb- -
qc-usb kernel module(s) for
kmod-qc-usb-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in qc-usb kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-qc-usb-xen -
Metapackage which tracks in qc-usb kernel module for newest kernel-xen
kmod-rt2860 -
Metapackage which tracks in rt2860 kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-rt2860- -
rt2860 kernel module(s) for
kmod-rt2860- -
rt2860 kernel module(s) for
kmod-rt2860-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in rt2860 kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmod-rt2870 -
Metapackage which tracks in rt2870 kernel module for newest kernel
kmod-rt2870- -
rt2870 kernel module(s) for
kmod-rt2870- -
rt2870 kernel module(s) for
kmod-rt2870-PAE -
Metapackage which tracks in rt2870 kernel module for newest kernel-PAE
kmodtool -
Tool for building kmod packages
kqemu -
The QEMU Accelerator Module (KQEMU)
lame-devel -
Development files for lame
lame-libs -
LAME MP3 encoding library
libdca-devel -
Development files for libdca
libdca-tools -
Various tools for use with libdca
libdlna -
Open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards
libdlna-devel -
Include files needed for development with libdlna
libdvbpsi-devel -
Development package for libdvbpsi
libfame -
Fast Assembly MPEG Encoding library
libfame-devel -
Libraries and include to develop using FAME
libmad-devel -
MPEG audio decoder library development files
libmms-devel -
Development package for libmms
libmpeg2 -
MPEG-2 decoder libraries
libmpeg2-devel -
Development files for libmpeg2
libmpeg3-devel -
Development files for libmpeg3
libmpeg3-utils -
Utilities from libmpeg3
libmyth -
Library providing mythtv support
libmyth-devel -
Development files for libmyth
libquicktime-devel -
Development files for libquicktime
live555 -
Live555.com streaming libraries
live555-devel -
Development files for live555.com streaming libraries
live555-static -
Static libraries for live555
live555-tools -
RTSP streaming tools using live555.com streaming libraries
ltris -
Game of skill with falling blocks
lxdvdrip -
A command line tool to rip&burn a video DVD
m2vrequantiser -
MPEG-2 stream requantizer
mamory -
ROM management API and commandline ROM manager for MAME
mamory-devel -
Development files for mamory
megamario -
Well known platform game clone
mimms -
MMS stream downloader
mixxx -
Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing
mjpegtools-devel -
Development files for mjpegtools libraries
mjpegtools-libs -
Libraries used by mjpegtools
mmsrip -
MMS Streams Recorder
mytharchive -
A module for MythTV for creating and burning DVDs
mythbrowser -
A small web browser module for MythTV
mythcontrols -
A key bindings editor for MythTV
mythflix -
A NetFlix module for MythTV
mythgallery -
A gallery/slideshow module for MythTV
mythgame -
A game frontend (xmame, nes, snes, pc) for MythTV
mythmovies -
A module for MythTV for providing local show times and cinema listings
mythmusic -
The music player add-on module for MythTV
mythnews -
An RSS news feed plugin for MythTV
mythphone -
A video conferencing module for MythTV
mythplugins -
Main MythTV plugins
mythtv -
A digital video recorder (DVR) application
mythtv-backend -
Server component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-base-themes -
Core user interface themes for mythtv
mythtv-common -
Common components needed by multiple other MythTV components
mythtv-docs -
MythTV documentation
mythtv-frontend -
Client component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-setup -
Setup the mythtv backend
mythtv-themes -
Additional User Interface themes for MythTV
mythvideo -
A generic video player frontend module for MythTV
mythweather -
A MythTV module that displays a weather forcast
mythweb -
The web interface to MythTV
mythzoneminder -
A module for MythTV for camera security and surveillance
ndiswrapper -
Ndiswrapper wraps around Windows WLAN drivers within Linux
normalize -
Tool for adjusting the volume of audio files to a standard level
open-vm-tools -
VMware Guest OS Tools
open-vm-tools-devel -
Development package for open-vm-tools
pangzero -
A clone and enhancement of Super Pang
perl-MythTV -
MythTV perl bindings
perl-XMLTV -
Perl modules for managing your TV viewing
python-MythTV -
MythTV python bindings
python-vlc -
VLC Media Player binding for Python
qc-usb -
Utility for setting Logitech Quickcam Express
rpmfusion-free-package-config-smart -
RPM Fusion (free) configuration files for the Smart package manager
rt2860 -
Common files for RaLink 802.11 rt2860 driver
rt2870 -
Common files for RaLink rt2870 kernel driver
smc -
2D platform game that uses OpenGL in a style similar to Super Mario
smc-music -
Additional music for Secret Maryo Chronicles
smpeg -
MPEG library for SDL
smpeg-devel -
Header files and static libraries for smpeg
smpeg-libs -
Libraries for smpeg
stella -
Atari 2600 Video Computer System emulator
streamdvd -
A fast tool to backup Video DVDs
streamdvd-gui -
Graphical user interface for streamdvd
streamdvd-streamanalyze -
Factor-Calculator for streamdvd
subtitleripper -
A tool to rip DVD subtitles
thoggen -
DVD backup utility
torrentzip -
Create identical zip files over multiple systems
twolame-devel -
Development tools for TwoLAME applications
twolame-libs -
TwoLAME is an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library based on tooLAME
ushare-freeworld -
UPnP (TM) A/V & DLNA Media Server
vagalume -
Last.fm client for GNOME and Maemo
vcdimager -
VideoCD (pre-)mastering and ripping tool
vcdimager-devel -
Header files and static library for VCDImager
vcdimager-libs -
Libraries for vcdimager
vdr-muggle -
Media juggle plugin for VDR
vlc-core -
VLC Media Player without Xorg
vlc-devel -
Development package for vlc
vobcopy -
Utility to copy DVD .vob files to disk
wormsofprey -
Team based bomb / scorched like game
wormsofprey-data -
Data for worms of prey
x264-devel -
Development files for the x264 library
x264-gui-devel -
Development files for the x264 encoder GUI
x264-libs -
Library for encoding H264/AVC video streams
xmltv -
A set of utilities to manage your TV viewing
xmltv-grabbers -
Backends for xmltv
xmltv-gui -
Graphical frontends to xmltv
xmms-faad2 -
AAC XMMS Input Plugin
xmms-mp3 -
MP3 output plugin for XMMS
xmms-normalize -
Relative volume adjustment plugin for XMMS
xmms-wma -
X MultiMedia System input plugin to play Windows Media Audio files
xvid4conf -
Tool to create XviD configuration files
xvidcore-devel -
Development files for the XviD video codec