Sound and Video (RPM Fusion Free)

audacity-freeworld - Multitrack audio editor

Audacity is a cross-platform multitrack audio editor. It allows you to
record sounds directly or to import Ogg, WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, or MP3
files. It features a few simple effects, all of the editing features
you should need, and unlimited undo. The GUI was built with wxWindows
and the audio I/O currently uses OSS under Linux. Audacity runs on
Linux/*BSD, MacOS, and Windows.
License:GPLv2 Group:Sound and Video (RPM Fusion Free)
URL: Source: audacity-freeworld


Name Version Release Type Size Built
audacity-freeworld 1.3.5 0.4.beta.fc8 ppc 15.36 MiB Sat Aug 23 01:44:21 2008


* Sat Aug 23 00:00:00 2008 David Timms <iinet{*}net{*}au{%}dtimms> - 1.3.5-0.4.beta
- mod patch2 apply command
* Sat Aug 23 00:00:00 2008 David Timms <iinet{*}net{*}au{%}dtimms> - 1.3.5-0.3.beta
- add Requires lame-libs
- update 1.3.4-gcc43.patch to suit 1.3.5, since patch mostly upstreamed.
* Tue Aug 19 00:00:00 2008 David Timms <iinet{*}net{*}au{%}dtimms> - 1.3.5-0.2.beta
- rename spec and Name to audacity-freeworld.
- add provides/obsoletes audacity-nonfree.
- import livna package into rpmfusion.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1