
doc - Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains

Doc is an automated tool for verifying (to an extent) that a domain
is configured and functioning correctly.  It makes no attempt to
validate the data inside a domain, only the structure.  The only
required parameter is the valid domain name of an existing domain.
License:Distributable Group:Applications/Internet
URL: Source: doc


Name Version Release Type Size Built
doc 2.2.3 4.fc11 noarch 83 KiB Tue Mar 31 06:59:40 2009


* Wed Jun 20 14:00:00 2007 Marc Bradshaw <packages{%}marcbradshaw{*}co{*}uk> 2.2.3-1.fc11
- Initial release
* Thu Jun 28 14:00:00 2007 Marc Bradshaw <packages{%}marcbradshaw{*}co{*}uk> 2.2.3-2.fc11
- drop unnecessary gawk requirement
- move .awk files to libexec dir
- move default logfiles into ~/.doclogs/
- fix documentation files install location
* Fri Jun 29 14:00:00 2007 Marc Bradshaw <packages{%}marcbradshaw{*}co{*}uk> 2.2.3-3.fc11
- tidyup patch and setup sections of specfile

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1