
plus4emu - Portable emulator of the Commodore 264 family of computers

Plus4emu is an open source, portable emulator of the Commodore 264 family of
computers (C16, C116, and Plus/4), written in C++. It implements accurate, high
quality hardware emulation.
License:GPLv2+ Group:Applications/Emulators
URL: Source: plus4emu


Name Version Release Type Size Built
plus4emu 2.fc11 i586 2.50 MiB Mon Mar 30 18:34:18 2009


* Mon Jan 21 13:00:00 2008 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 1.2.5-2
- Dropped fltk-devel BR, fltk-fluid pulls it in anyway
- Minor cleanups
* Sun Feb 3 13:00:00 2008 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 1.2.5-3
- GCC 4.3 fixes
* Sat Jun 14 14:00:00 2008 Andrea Musuruane <musuruan{%}gmail{*}com>
- Updated to upstream
- Made a new patch to compile with GCC 4.3 (SF #1977560)
- Added a patch from upstream SVN not to require libpng-devel and 
  libjpeg-devel (SF #1977554)
- Minor clean-up

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1