User Interface/X Hardware Support

xorg-x11-drv-catalyst - AMD's proprietary driver for ATI graphic cards

This package provides the most recent proprietary AMD display driver which
allows for hardware accelerated rendering with ATI Mobility, FireGL and
Desktop GPUs. Some of the Desktop and Mobility GPUs supported are the
Radeon HD 2xxx series to the Radeon HD 6xxx series.

For the full product support list, please consult the release notes
for release 11.4.
License:Redistributable, no modification permitted Group:User Interface/X Hardware Support


Name Version Release Type Size Built
xorg-x11-drv-catalyst 11.4 1.fc13 src 72.26 MiB Thu May 5 01:05:34 2011
xorg-x11-drv-catalyst 10.12 1.fc13 src 119.44 MiB Sun Dec 26 23:25:34 2010


* Sun May 3 14:00:00 2009 Stewart Adam <s.adam at> - 9.4-4
- Make the ExclusiveArch dynamic
- Fix requirement on libs subpackage
- Move ldconfig requirement to libs subpackage
* Wed Jul 28 14:00:00 2010 Stewart Adam <s.adam at> - 10.7-1
- Update to Catalyst 10.7 (internal version 8.75.3)
- Integrate specfile changes made since 9.4 in F-12 branch
- Improve post scriptlets (see RF#1262)
* Mon Aug 30 14:00:00 2010 Stewart Adam <s.adam at> - 10.8-1
- Update to Catalyst 10.8 (internal version 8.76.2)
- Remove radeon.modeset=0 and rdblacklist=radeon parameters in %preun

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1