Packages not in Groups

kmod-madwifi- - madwifi kernel module(s) for

This package provides the madwifi kernel modules built for the Linux
kernel for the x86_64 family of processors.
License:GPLv2 Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: madwifi-kmod


Name Version Release Type Size Built
kmod-madwifi- 0.9.4 50.r3867_20080924.fc9.17 x86_64 1.15 MiB Tue Jun 23 01:59:08 2009


* Wed Jan 21 23:00:00 2009 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info> - 0.9.4-50.r3867_20080924.10
- rebuild for latest Fedora kernel;
* Fri Feb 13 23:00:00 2009 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info> - 0.9.4-50.r3867_20080924.11
- rebuild for latest Fedora kernel;
* Thu Feb 26 23:00:00 2009 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora [AT] leemhuis [DOT] info> - 0.9.4-50.r3867_20080924.12
- rebuild for latest Fedora kernel;

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1